Soybean bread

Product is obtained by pressing soybean grits, is characterized by low oil content and high protein content. Rich in vitamin E, which is the strongest natural antioxidant as well as lecithin and choline, which are essential for a favorable lipid metabolism, liver health and central nervous system. Soybean bread is a very pleasant tasting and aroma characteristic is its crispness.

We pack it in bags of 40kg

Soybean bread

Product is obtained by pressing the seed of soya

Product is intended for feeding domestic animals

Raw proteins: min. 38%
Raw fat: max. 5%
Cellulose: max. 9%
Humidity: max. 12%
Ashes: max. 8%
Urease activity max. 0,5 (mg N/g) / min.

Quality control: Institute of Food Technology (FINS) Novi Sad
Colour: Yellow to brown
Store in a dry, dark and cool place.

We pack it in bags of 40kg

Soybean bread

Introduction of soya meal in mixtures for feeding farm animals get up to 10% better production results (growth, number and weight of eggs, milk, and improving reproductive characteristics). Also, at the same time feed consumption per unit of product (conversion) is falling. Extruding of lactating cows would result in higher proportion called "By pass" proteins that pass through rumen unchanged and are better used in the small intestine. Everything clearly indicates the economic feasibility of introducing soybean bread in diets of farm animals.

Soybean bread is a very pleasant tasting and smell, characterizing its crispness. It has excellent loading into baskets, silos and feeders, thanks to low humidity and granulated structure, and when handling with sozabean, dust practically does not exist. The sanitary quality of this nutrient is an excellent because in the process of extrusion pressing occurred partial sterilization, and it is safe to say that eliminated all vegetative forms of microorganisms.

Soybean products

Soybean bread

products and packs: BMM Ltd.- Mill
Partizanska 101, 21241 Kać
Republic of Serbia
Info tel.: 021/6212-083; 6211-121

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