Raw soybean oil

is a product obtained by pressing of soybean grits. Soybean oil has a very good nutritional value due to its high content of linoleic acid, lecithin, phytosterols, tocopherols with antioxidant action, as well as fat-soluble vitamins. It is used as a animal feed supplement, and also has wider implementation in the production of bio diesel.

Raw soybean oil

Soybean oil is the highest quality high-energy source for poultry and pigs. Soybean oil has a very good nutritive value because of the high content of linoleic acid, lecithin, phytosterols, tocopherols with antioxidant action, as well as soluble vitamins in fats. Obtained by cold squeezing and therefore is high-value and does not contain trans-fatty acids, which are not desirable. The above mentioned fatty acids have beneficial medicinal properties for animals and humans. Due to the high content of lecithin, raw soybean oil protects the cardiovascular system and strongly influences the regeneration of brain cells, eases symptoms of menopause, helps prevent and treatment of osteoporosis and many other pathophysiological conditions. The optimum amount for use in feed mixtures for poultry and pigs amounts to 4%.

Raw soybean oil

products and packs: BMM Ltd.- Mill
Partizanska 101, 21241 Kać
Republic of Serbia
Info tel.: 021/6212-083; 6211-121
e-mail: bmmlkac@eunet.rs

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